Getting started Installing Citrix AppDisk

The AppDisk TechPreview bits were released to the public a few days ago – you can download them for yourself if you are a partner or a customer and have active SA or SWM as of September 21st, 2015 – the download is available here. This release is branded as XenApp and XenDesktop 7.7 and includes the following experimental features (as well as some features from a previous tech preview release): AppDisks AppDisks on vSphere … Read more…

Citrix XenApp 6.5 Upgrade to 7 Uninstall Order

If you are looking to upgrade a 2008R2 XenApp 6.5 server to XenApp\XenDesktop 7.x, you will more than likely be uninstalling the 6.5 bits prior to installing the 7.x VDA. Currently, project Serenity is still in beta and appears to migrate mostly datastore objects and settings – you still need to manually migrate the user servers. Per this Citrix article (which is a bit outdated) the only noted procedure is to uninstall hotfixes first then … Read more…

XenApp 6.5 Users Can’t Logon After Logon Disable

During an after hours project, I disabled logons to a few servers in a XenApp 6.5 farm, waited for the users to log off, and thought nothing of it. I then shut the VMs down, completed the maintenance, and powered the VMs back on…only to find that no one was logging on. As an administrator, I had no issue getting logged on, but users were receiving a “The requested session is not available…” type error … Read more…

XenApp and XenDesktop 7 Useful Powershell Reference

Here’s a quick list of Powershell commands I find myself using frequently. I’ll keep this updated. Get a list of all brokered connections [code language=”powershell”] Get-BrokerConnectionLog | Sort BrokeringTime [/code] I always sort by BrokeringTime because the order appears to be odd otherwise because the log is updated with the initial brokering time as well as the EndTime. Add an application to multiple delivery groups [code language=”powershell”] Add-BrokerApplication -Name "AppNameHere" -DesktopGroup "NewDesktopGroupHere" [/code] Adding an … Read more…