I recently built a cable-box replacement system using a FoxConn R10-H1 barebone system. It is essentially a case, power supply and motherboard all-in-one (plus some extras in this case – a heat-sink fan assembly). Here’s a link to the system on NewEgg. After having several AMD systems in the past, this was the first Intel setup I have had in some time. It has gigabit ethernet, and an HDMI port – perfect for an HTPC. Here’s a pic of everything assembled:
Notice that there is very little space between the optical drive and the heat-sink fan assembly. The heat-sink is a custom piece for this setup, and you CAN NOT swap it with a stock Intel one if you have an optical drive installed.
All told, the assembly went together well – the biggest issue (and this was reported on the NewEgg reviews) was that the stock fans were LOUD!!! I wanted this system to be nearly silent, so replacement fans were in order. The heat-sink fan was replaced fairly easy, but the clearance between it and the top of the case was CLOSE. The side fan was replaced, but it would not fit into the stock plastic holder, so I had to use a screw into the side…not very pretty, but it works:
The last bit was the HDD – I opted for an SSD as this machine needs to be silent and fast – a 64GB crucial M4 is more than enough. The problem is mounting – the built in cage is clearly meant for a 3.5 drive…but as lightweight as all SSD drives are, a single screw holding this one, does not worry me at all.
The system rating is a 6.2 with the SSD and an i3 2105 – works just fine for streaming HD video and watching HD TV via an HDHomeRun Prime.
Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856119052
Fans: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835226033
SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148441
Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115090
Update: specific measurements of the optical drive:
Looks like the drive is 6 5/8″:
In all honestly, you could probably fit a bit larger – maybe closer 7″ – drive by pushing the cables a bit closer to the CPU HSF:
I noticed in this post (http://blogs.serioustek.net/post/2012/10/25/FoxConn-R10-H1-Review-FoxConn-R10-Series.aspx) that you installed an optical drive in the case. This might be a newbie type question, but is the drive you used shallower than others? I have a Blu-Ray drive here, and it seems too damned deep to fit into the case. If I leave room to attach the power and SATA cables, then the front of the drive sticks out of the case front by about 1/2" to 1".
To be honest, I don't know if there is a standard size for optical drives – and the drive that is installed in the case is a DVD drive. To be honest, it would not surprise me if Blu-Ray drives are larger than CD\DVD drives. The case is currently in service, but I'll try to get a depth measurement for the drive cage.
Any luck on getting a depth measurement?