XenApp 6.5 Users Can’t Logon After Logon Disable

During an after hours project, I disabled logons to a few servers in a XenApp 6.5 farm, waited for the users to log off, and thought nothing of it. I then shut the VMs down, completed the maintenance, and powered the VMs back on…only to find that no one was logging on. As an administrator, I had no issue getting logged on, but users were receiving a “The requested session is not available…” type error … Read more…

The Ultimate KMS Reference Guide

Since Microsoft likes to put all of the KMS client keys and command line tools in 37 different places and change the links around AND call them two different things (KMS client keys and Generic Volume License Keys), I’ve decided to put all of that together into a single page – more for my reference, but I’ll share. <update April 2019> Since there are so many more editions with different KMS keys, it may be … Read more…