Getting started Installing Citrix AppDisk

The AppDisk TechPreview bits were released to the public a few days ago – you can download them for yourself if you are a partner or a customer and have active SA or SWM as of September 21st, 2015 – the download is available here. This release is branded as XenApp and XenDesktop 7.7 and includes the following experimental features (as well as some features from a previous tech preview release): AppDisks AppDisks on vSphere … Read more…

XenDesktop Client Time Zone Redirection not Working

Despite setting the HDX policy to use client time zone, the time was still different on the client than the endpoint. Checking the usual places in the registry and some W32TM queries revealed nothing… w32tm /query /source w32tm /tz Then I manually tried to change the time zone on the XD machine…error – can’t! Time to check permissions. Looks like users need to have the ‘Change the time zone’ right for this to work, and … Read more…

Powershell One-liner of the Day: XenDesktop Users that have not Logged on in 60 Days or More

Just a simple one-liner to get a listing of all users that have not logged into their XD desktop in 60 days or more – this is for static desktops or XD PvD. Requires: XenDesktop PowerShell SDK (studio commandlets) AD Powershell commandlets [code language=”powershell”] asnp Citrix* Get-BrokerDesktop -MaxRecordCount 2000 | Where {((Get-Date) – $_.LastConnectionTime).Days -gt 60} | sort LastConnectionTime | Select DNSName,LastConnectionTime,@{Name="UserName";Expression={$UserN = $_.AssociatedUserNames.Replace("DOMAINHERE\",""); $UserObj = Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -eq $UserN}; "$($UserObj.GivenName) $($UserObj.Surname)"}} [/code] Use … Read more…

XenApp and XenDesktop 7 Useful Powershell Reference

Here’s a quick list of Powershell commands I find myself using frequently. I’ll keep this updated. Get a list of all brokered connections [code language=”powershell”] Get-BrokerConnectionLog | Sort BrokeringTime [/code] I always sort by BrokeringTime because the order appears to be odd otherwise because the log is updated with the initial brokering time as well as the EndTime. Add an application to multiple delivery groups [code language=”powershell”] Add-BrokerApplication -Name "AppNameHere" -DesktopGroup "NewDesktopGroupHere" [/code] Adding an … Read more…