Citrix Supportability Pack – UPM Configuration Check

Citrix Supportability Pack tool highlight: User Profile Manager UPM Configuration Check The Citrix Supportability Pack was made available late last year (2015) and is meant to be a single location for all the tools you might ever need to troubleshoot an issue in your Citrix farm – and by farm, I mean any of the components of the installation: XenDesktop Legacy XenApp Printing Graphics Web Interface …the list goes on Think of this as a … Read more…

Citrix Storefront 3.x Configuration Tool

Anyone that has deployed Citrix StoreFront in the past has likely needed to manually edit the web.config files for either customizations or advanced functionality that simply wasn’t available in the StoreFront GUI. In fact, Citrix has released a ‘StoreFront web GUI Assistant‘ that allows you to import then modify the web.config files – it was updated October 30, 2015 to support StoreFront 3, but it really didn’t support any of the more advanced features, and … Read more…

How to Patch MDT OS Images Using WSUS

You should already be using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) for deploying servers in production, in test environments, in lab environments – you get the idea. It’s a simple way to guarantee a reproducible, consistent image every time; and it also provides a decent amount of flexibility for driver installation, application installation and deployment automation (and I love automation). What is even nicer is that you can patch the OS images such that every deployment will … Read more…

Creating a PowerShell Profile

Inspired by this Hey, Scripting Guy! post, I decided it was time to figure out exactly what a PowerShell profile could do. If you’re like me, you open a PowerShell window, load a module, do some quick commands, come back a few hours later, load some more modules, and so on – all on the same PoSH window. First read the article, then create your own PowerShell profile as follows: [code language=”powershell”] New-Item -ItemType file … Read more…

Backup VMware with Veeam Free PowerShell and FreeNAS

I use FreeNAS to store the virtual machines for my lab. I had previously used NFS as it allowed for really simple backups of VMs – take a snapshot, do a copy from the snapshot directory to a different dataset, remove the snapshot, done. NFS is nice because it allows you to view the filesystem directly from the storage server…NFS on FreeNAS\ZFS is not nice because it essentially requires flash for the intent log due to … Read more…

VMware vCenter Documentation Script Version 1.5

This is a minor release. What’s new: vCenter permissions and non-standard roles (admin, read-only, etc are built in and thus won’t output) DRS rules and groups Note: the above features are available only in HTML, Word, and export output formats; text is not included and will not be for any minor upcoming features. A major overhaul of the script output functionality is planned for 2.0 and new features outputting in text will be deferred until then. … Read more…

VMware vCenter Documentation Script Version 1.4

This is a minor release. What’s new: Fix for Word not closing when exporting to PDF (from Webster Framework) Several fixes for HTML general functions and HTML table functions Full output to HTML is now available Download the latest version here: My notes and the latest version is available here:

Powershell One-liner of the Day: XenDesktop Users that have not Logged on in 60 Days or More

Just a simple one-liner to get a listing of all users that have not logged into their XD desktop in 60 days or more – this is for static desktops or XD PvD. Requires: XenDesktop PowerShell SDK (studio commandlets) AD Powershell commandlets [code language=”powershell”] asnp Citrix* Get-BrokerDesktop -MaxRecordCount 2000 | Where {((Get-Date) – $_.LastConnectionTime).Days -gt 60} | sort LastConnectionTime | Select DNSName,LastConnectionTime,@{Name="UserName";Expression={$UserN = $_.AssociatedUserNames.Replace("DOMAINHERE\",""); $UserObj = Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -eq $UserN}; "$($UserObj.GivenName) $($UserObj.Surname)"}} [/code] Use … Read more…

Optimizing Provisioning Services with Powershell

When you’re deploying lots of systems, anything that can make the deployment more efficient is always welcome – so basically, any automation is always welcome. These scripts I use on both PVS servers and targets – the first script disables all network offloads on the VMXNET3 adapter and the second sets up the persistent data on the writecache volume (obviously the 2nd is only for targets). Here’s the first – this is specific to PVS … Read more…

VMware vCenter Documentation Script Version 1.2

Happy 2015!! With the new year comes a much requested feature for the VMware Inventory script: the ability to export the PowerCLI data running on a machine without MS Word, then import the data later with a machine that has MS Word, but no access to vCenter or PowerCLI! VCenter Inventory V1.2 So – how does it work? Two new parameters: -Export and -Import -Export runs on a machine with PS v3 and PowerCLI as before, … Read more…