Happy 2015!! With the new year comes a much requested feature for the VMware Inventory script: the ability to export the PowerCLI data running on a machine without MS Word, then import the data later with a machine that has MS Word, but no access to vCenter or PowerCLI!
VCenter Inventory V1.2
So – how does it work? Two new parameters: -Export and -Import
-Export runs on a machine with PS v3 and PowerCLI as before, but does not require MS Word. You still need to be able to access the vCenter server and have PowerCLI 5.1 or later installed. Running the script in this fashion will not output a document, but instead several XML files inside of an Export directory in the same directory of the script.
Once you export your data, simply copy the entire Export directory – zip it up if you would like, just make sure to unzip it before running the import.
-Import runs on a machine with PS v3 and MS Word but no PowerCLI or access to the vCenter server. As long as you’ve got the Export directory copied from the previous run of the script saved in the same location as the inventory script, all is well. When specifying -Import, there are no other parameters that are required.